Monday, June 10, 2024

From my perspective, you're getting a little sloppy.

Hit Man — 2.5/5

Man, what a weird movie. Netflix-ass aesthetic aside, it's based on a genuinely fun true story, and builds on top of that an excuse to talk about identity and who we want to be, and how we may have to fake that until we become that. And then you add genuine chemistry between the two leads and hey, ho, let's go. These are the things great movies are made of. It's got ideas. It's got charm. And then it just goes completely off the fucking rails. It's a dark comedy that forgets to layer in the darkness as we go. We like her, until suddenly she's a bad person. We like him (in spite of his lie), until suddenly he's an unforgivable person. And we're just supposed to be cool with it! Okay, sure—but you've got to convince us of that. You can't just assume we'll accept it.

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