Thursday, June 13, 2024

I forbid you to die.

Godzilla Minus One — 4.5/5

Godzilla as a symbol of shame?

Homina fucking homina. Holy shit, I love this movie. My personal narrative of this film is that the atomic bombs had nothing to do with the development of this gigantic sea beast with tiny little arms. It was borne out of one man's shame; small at first, and then gaining size and speed as that shame is multiplied by the shame of an entire nation. The dishonorable fight; the dishonorable way they asked them to fight. In this movie, America didn't need to drop those two bombs; the atomic bombs were the breath of Godzilla. Japan's destruction was the result of their own disgrace coming back to bite. And the only way to fight it, is to become better people. Not to hang their head in shame but to raise them higher than before. Volunteering for a worthy cause, where the hope isn't that they die, but that they live. This single just-above two hour movie is the equivalent of ten years worth of Marvel movies resulting in Endgame. It's a big movie about big thoughts, with all the heroes we've met so far—regular people, these—finding port and purpose in coming together to save the day. No one is wasted. And the true beauty of it, is that you didn't need to see any Godzilla movie before it to understand. You understand this world immediately, without holding on to previous context. Here is destruction; and here is how you save the world, standing with the people next to you. Not fighting for a flag, but fighting for the people you love. This movie is full of hope.

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