Monday, May 27, 2024

Dead air.

Radioland Murders — 1.5/5

There's a world where this is good. This is not that world. Like Pirates of Penzance, it feels like a movie removed from its proper era. It is, at best, a 1930's Howard Hawks production. But in the 50 years since, the new kids forgot all the lessons the old ones knew by heart and so had to figure it all out again. I appreciate the attempt to capture what was lost, but the director and cast just can't keep up with the past. It's easy to understand that this is a "from the mind of George Lucas" joint. He's got a history of recreating what was, but updating it for a new audience. Here, unfortunately it's just a re-creation, with no new ideas built on top. It's hard to create that sense of what was, exactly as it was. Things are too far different. You can only ever make new things.

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