Wednesday, May 29, 2024

I let you in.

Talk To Me — 3.5/5

Who knew The Monkey's Paw would be due such a delightful modern day re-telling? The first half of this movie is a banger. It drops you knee-deep into the absurdity of kids doing stupid shit for laughs, and makes every ounce of it believable. Of course they would commune with the dead! It makes for great content!! It's a metaphor for drugs!!! Whether or not you have a good experience or a bad experience, something in you has changed. You now know something you did not know before, and you do not know if it's true or not. It's fun for the group!; potentially damaging for the individual. I think unfortunately the second half can't keep up with the first half; it becomes a movie about an individual vs the first half being a movie about the group. That group had chemistry, there was charm, there was peer pressure. The individual just had trauma. I think that notion of the seemingly innocuous fun of peer pressure could have extended through to the end. Don't get me wrong, the second half's still fun to watch and, through that metaphor-of-drugs lens, there's something interesting at play with how crazy you feel afterwards. But it splits the movie in half.

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