Friday, September 26, 2008

You've got a tattoo that says 'Fuck the world.'

Stranger Than Fiction - 7/10. Great premise and the movie somehow tries to over-compensate for it? Stylistically overdone. The look of the movie tries to be more clever than the setup. Otherwise, it ends up not being as sharp as you'd like. Basically some seize-the-day shit, whatever. Maggie Gyllenhaal is more adorable since that movie where she showed her boobs, but she's just a plot device and don't mean a thang. The movie eventually can't crawl out of the corner it's written itself into, and it shouldn't, but it still tries. I feel like it's a movie you could go back in and re-edit and it's points better than it is. Accept that he's a normal guy who is not secretly interesting if he'd just shed this corporate cloth, and that his death means more to other people than his life ever will.

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