Monday, December 8, 2008

Egg falls on rock.

JCVD - 8.5/10. I've been going on and off in recent months about the autonomy of a single piece of... art and how, unless otherwise noted, everything should be looked at as independent and self-containing and all the satisfaction you find comes from within it and not from the director or actor or artist's total career of work. Judging every Woody Allen movie based on previous Woody Allen movies, for example. And this movie is the gold star hanging on the end of just how wrong I am. Jean-Claude plays the role of the end of a lifetime and is just about the most empathetic thing I've seen on screen. If not the best movie this year, then a very humble second, alongside what should, in a perfect world, be a Best Actor nod.


joshy drops hammers! said...

fatal attraction ends with a cheap thrill. but that kirk douglass, boy is he saucy.

joshy drops hammers! said...

er. basic instinct? one too many bagel dogs this morning

not eb said...

Michael Douglas. You're losing it.