Wednesday, April 21, 2021

I remember.

Minari – 4/5

I feel like I grew up inside this movie. The trailer, the yellow refrigerator, the Mountain Dew, the peeing in bed; those were all mine. I've rarely seen myself in movies as I saw myself in this movie about people who look nothing like me. So that's nice. Nostalgia aside, there is a rich world with rich characters and a lovely grandma and a denouement that almost almost almost touches something special. For a hot minute, it was about two people who simply had contradictory views of how to live the rest of their lives. Staying together out of a love that was no longer there; surrounded by reminders of their love in their children but only staying together out of that memory of a love. That was good. I'd like to have seen how that turned out. It's braver to leave someone than to rush in to a burning building to save them. But hey, if it felt like this all the time, it'd be hard for me to leave, too. It makes me want to go back.

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