Monday, August 7, 2023

The key is to act like a happy family.

Succession Season 2 — 3.5/5

It's more of the same thing that you enjoy! Only this time, Tom is just the absolute best. What a tough role, and what an acting job to bring it to life! And what a cliffhanger! Yay! And yes, you do feel sympathy for these rich fucks who've been raised by this wicked man. Of course a monster will have raised monsters, too! And the little tiny steps away from that they roam are monumental in their proportionate size, and the way he corrals them back in, calling the cattle home, seemingly small in their evil. He only likes them when they're broken, with he as the glue holding the pieces together. But as the song goes — it's the ones who've cracked that the light shines through. 

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