Tuesday, October 3, 2023

I just feel like you're pretending.

Honor Society — 2/5

I went into this hoping for two things — a clear successor to the easy likeability of 'Easy A,' and the ascendance of Angourie Rice, who I am fond of because 'The Nice Guys' continues to be one of my most rewatched modern movies, and I wish her to succeed outside of it. She does okay! The movie has a rhythm, it moves steadily forward, it has charms—but my god, is it so fucking grey. It's dreary. It's made in the few minutes between deluges of rain on either side of the scene. It makes any lightness sopping wet. And then a weird fucking sociopathic twist and a weird fucking creepy teacher thing. Somewhere in here is a brightly-colored movie, and a decent story about how the road to heaven may be paved with bad intentions, but it's lost in this fucking downpour.

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