Thursday, January 4, 2024

This guy does not want to talk to us.

Telemarketers — 4/5

Early on, Patrick J Pespas is introduced and captioned as "Telemarketing legend" and talk about calling your shot. Fuck yeah, Patrick J Pespas. The documentary is this Vice-ass documentary style, reveling in showing people snorting heroine and fuck-ups fucking up (and could easily have been reduced to a movie vs three episodes) but—as with Jury Duty—the person at the center elevates everything around the joke.  Patrick may be an addict, but maybe you need the spirit of a fuck-up to be willing to fuck shit up. And despite some of the arrangements and framings, it's not just done for fun; honestly there's a sense of love in there beside. There's a scene in the last episode which makes my heart grow three sizes because it's such a simple display of two people loving each other. I've heard it said that the only way out of addiction is finding something greater to believe in and so, for a time, Patrick found a bigger purpose. He earned his caption. 

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