Monday, January 20, 2025

Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose.

Somebody Somewhere S3 — 3.5/5

As Sam grows, the show grows less interesting. Sam is often left alone, left by herself to navigate the world. She wants to live in a world without romantic love, which is difficult when that's the world everyone else wants to live in. As Sam's entourage gets busier with seeking the other parts of their selves, they leave her behind—and there's a difference in choosing to be alone, and being left alone. And that second option only comes into being when you introduce people into your life. By the time she finds someone, I can't tell if it's because she wants to, or because she has no other choice but to give in. The show, at its best, is about the gentle pull of friends into a wider world, and this season felt more like a shove. That's also necessary, but in this final season as with the last season, the show separates us from the chemistry that makes the show spark. Eh, I'm nitpicking. I believe the best compliment to give someone is to miss them when they're gone, and I will now miss this show now that it's come into my life and gone.

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