Friday, April 18, 2008

I'm looking at you, Dave Eggers.

Persepolis - 7.5/10. The first half of the movie had me going, 8.5, best movie of last year. Young kid who can't grasp the enormity of her situation. Some shit about being a false prophet, I don't know. But then it does that thing that I fucking hate, I absolutely fucking hate about memoirs in that it has to be linear, it has to be truthful, and storylines are lost (the false prophet thing) and characters come out of nowhere and shit happens that have no real bearing on other, more important shit and then the author just ends up being a narcissistic shitbag who thinks their life is worth reading about. It becomes about the person rather than about an idea and the idea the first half of the movie was about was so so so much better.

I enjoyed the entire movie.

I'm just trying to prove how smart i am.

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