Wednesday, February 15, 2023

You see, I expected complexity.

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery – 3/5

Better than the first, in that the movie knows not to make its best character a side character. The first was a lovely set of actors who were given no character to play, while its one real personality sat at the edges. Here, Benoit Blanc has been set free to be Foghorn Leghorn and the rest of the movie sings along to his looney tune. He's Roadrunner and Wile E Coyote all at once, painting a false exit on a wall and waiting for others to run into it. But while better, still not great. The mystery is, self-admittedly, dumb, and the suspects still don't rise to the level of Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck. The whole movie could use a few more stinkers. 

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