Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse – ??/5
Listen, friend, it was... a lot? And this will be a review I re-visit a couple of years from now, after having watched it again, and having watched the next one immediately after. My love for the first part in this now-trilogy is such that I will give it this boon which I have allowed no other. (Also, the sound was weird at Movie Place and I couldn't hear some of the dialogue.) But, to put forth my initial thoughts: it was a lot! I think it may have been too much! And a thought that sticks with me, is that is this movie, unlike the last movie, now talking to itself? Did it go too insular? The death of Captain Stacy, I'd argue, is not nearly as monumental a moment as the death of Uncle Ben, and it's certainly overshadowed by the loss of his daughter, Gwen. Can this wonderful populist entertainment that reflected on and broke open the cultural perception of Spider-Man with the last movie now just be doing that again, but without the "cultural perception"? There's some matter of relatability that is lost. It went full comic book. (And, friend, I am fully comic book, but even so, I don't think having a collection the size of mine should be a pre-requisite.) They could have just made it about loss being central to who Spider-Man is. And that, I think, is a matter of not editing. Why bother? We'll just make two movies out of it. But listen, man, that first movie? Gangbusters. And so I give this a moment more to sink in, because that is the forgiveness that greatness allows – but only for so long. So there you have it for now.
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