Sunday, March 3, 2024

I hate catchy choruses, and I'm a hypocrite.

Bo Burnham: Words Words Words — 2.5/5

I'm glad I get to work my way backwards through his career rather than forwards. If I had watched this without having already liked him, I might have felt more aversion to him. Here, in his youngest form, he goes for easy jokes and message board humor, of which I am familiar. It's the same sense I get from the first half of Shane Gillis' special, which is the only amount of that that I cared to watch. But, liking him, I can laugh only occasionally but also use this instead to see the arc of his personality. He lays his thesis right out at the front: "What is funny?" His cries for attention are still forming into cries for help. He's clearly smart, he's clearly clever, he just doesn't know how to hold the audience in the palm of his hand yet. Caught between himself and an audience. His later shows became even more one man show, almost ignoring the audience entirely until they were gone completely. 

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