Monday, March 4, 2024

What's up, dickwad?

Spider-Man: Far From Home – 4/5 (rewatch)

I think each new Marvel movies became to be viewed in light of the picture of the future it was painting. But now that all the big stuff has kinda happened, there's a chance to view these things as to whether or not they're just fun to keep rewatching. I think at the time, I could imagine that this movie was thought of as a return to normalcy after the events of 'Endgame.' At the time, it only felt small in comparison. The Marvel movies had just gotten bigger and bigger until biggest, and so this felt like a step backwards from the pure excitement of it all. But with a rewatch, this movie just cements Tom Holland as my preferred take on Spider-Man. The guilt that haunts him is countered by just wanting one good thing to go his way—but the Parker luck keeps showing up, and so Spider-Man has to keep showing up. But also—these movies show that being Spider-Man is fun. Tom Holland zipping Zendaya through the sky is the best feeling of what it's like to swing from webs—his costume gets in the way of showing the pure fear and pure thrill of it all, so we get to see it through MJ's eyes. Tom Holland is funny. Everyone around him is funny. The movie as a whole is bigger than I remembered, and more interconnected than I remember, but also it's the superhero equivalent of a teen road trip movie. Despite all the links to everything else, as with the Spider-Man comics, it's created an entire universe within a universe. 

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