Friday, February 15, 2008

Dear Girl at Fat Larry's,

Listen, I got sidetracked, okay?

And there's too much pressure right now, too much - everyone wants this to work and I just, fucking, I, listen - this is going to work, we just need to let it happen, let it work its course. I know, I know - shhh. We'll make it, okay?



Anonymous said...

this is border line scary now.

Anonymous said...


Nate said...
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Nate said...

There was this girl at the pizza place next to the Adcenter. She used to wear zip-up hoodies with no shirt underneath. Just a bra. And it was unzipped just enough.

We called her "Pizza Slut"

I wish I had the courage to write blog postings to her every day. EB, you're great.

P.S. You are my ping pong bitch.

not eb said...

It's never too late, Nate.

Nate said...

but i never get to see her anymore. aquino, jay and myself thought she went to night school.